We are so proud to say that we are a volunteer run organization! We operate on our collective concern and enthusiasm for marine wildlife and the environment. Our volunteers are a group of dedicated individuals who generously share their time, energy, and heart with us in all the work we do.
Members of our team join us from different backgrounds, and while many have studied marine or veterinary science, it's not a prerequisite. We value diversity amongst our team and encourage anyone who is interested in our mission, regardless of background, age, education, or skill set, to introduce themselves to us here!

![]() DAILY OPERATIONSVolunteers at MMWRC play an active, hands on role in the daily husbandry and treatment of all of the marine wildlife in our care. This includes: Examinations and observations Food preparation Record keeping Treatment plans Preparing fluids & medications Administering fluids & medications Advanced animal handling Cleaning enclosures & equipment Operating pumps and filtration equipment Assisting staff & veterinarians with procedures & necropsies Facility maintenance | ![]() RESCUE REPONSEOur Volunteer Rescue Responders directly assist with our rescue operations in the field at all levels. First level responders collect data on the animal or animals that have stranded or are injured and provide the report to the team. Second level responders use that information to gather the correct tools for that particular case. Third level responders carry out the rescue operation. Volunteer responders receive extensive training to work in the field. | ![]() MONITORINGMexico Marine Wildlife Rescue Center regularly monitors our local marine mammal colonies. Volunteers may join our research team and participate in these efforts. They will learn new scientific skills and adopt these methods to assess the health and conduct regular censuses of the colonies. |
![]() PROGRAMS + EVENTSIt's all hands on deck when we have an on-site education program, guest lecture series, group training, or themed event. Our volunteers represent us as an organization and are an integral part of educating youth and adults alike on our mission. From helping organize these events, to welcoming students and guests, leading workshops, and assisting with an animal demonstration or necropsy, our volunteers know their stuff and make our programs and events a success. |


Age: 25
From: Guanajuato MEXICO
Background: Social Service Intern
Duration: 6 months
Before you started, what did you think that volunteering at Mexico Marine Wildlife Rescue Center was going to be like?
I think the first thing I thought was that I would be living with sea lions, turtles and dolphins every day. This was not the case. The reality is that you may have the opportunity to work closely with animals sometimes, and if not, there are many other activities that you can learn from and that need to be carried out in a rescue center.
What was the most fun you had while volunteering at MMWRC?
It is difficult to choose a specific moment. There were many days that were very fun and mostly because the whole team is very nice and fun. But I remember one day that there was a very heavy rain and we had a sea lion in rehabilitation that we had to feed and give medication to. When we arrived at the center everything was flooded including the sea lion holding area and we found some suspicious floating forms (💩)! After cleaning and scooping out most of the water with buckets and testing our plumbing skills, we ended the day wet from head to toe, but the Sea Lion was dry, fed, and healthy, which was the most important thing. We laughed at ourselves a lot that day!
What was your favorite animal to work with?
With all animals you can learn something new, but I think that with sea lions you can learn more procedures and also do very fun things, like give them a shower.
Did you ever have to deal with the death of an animal and how did you handle that?
No, luckily I didn't have to deal with it. However, I know that it is a reality that they have to face in any rescue center as part of the job. From what my colleagues said, I understand that they do their best to save every patient and it's very difficult when that is not possible.
What was your toughest/longest day at Mexico Marine Wildlife Rescue Center like?
It depended on the workload and the type of patients we had at the time, but there were some really long hours. I think one of the longest and most tiring days was when we had a visit from a group of elementary school students. We did the preparation of the workshop very early and after the games and activities with the children all day, plus caring for our patients and leaving everything clean it was dusk by the time we finished. But it was very gratifying to see that the children learned and had a fun time and got to see us working hard for our passion.
What sorts of things did you learn while volunteering?
I learned so many things! And not only in the area of ​​animal care! From animal handling, attention to strandings, necropsy, identification of species, use of drones, environmental education for children, and even some plumbing and construction!
What was your favorite and least favorite task at MMWRC?
My favorite task was giving a sea lion a bath, because they always seem to enjoy it very much. Necropsies were probably the least favorite.I learned a lot from those but the smell is quite unpleasant.
What would you tell someone interested in volunteering with MMWRC?
Get ready to learn and perform all kinds of activities and tasks, from cleaning animal excrement, working on very hot days, sometimes long days, and also working as a team, attending strandings, testing your skills, and learning about local marine fauna. You will have an amazing time and it will be an experience you will never forget!
Finally, did the experience match up to your expectations and in what way?
It definitely exceeded my expectations! I had the opportunity to learn many things and put many others skills I had into practice. I learned from the entire team and I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to work with all of them. I have fond memories and friends, and it will definitely be an experience I will not forget!